Exploring the paradoxes and meaning of being human,
from birth to death, from beginning to the end.
Birth and growth
This space focuses on the beginning of life, exploring themes such as innocence, vulnerability, and the promise of potential.
Human nature, geography and culture
This space examines how human nature affects human culture. The human being, in relation to nature and natural processes, and the conflicts between human nature and nature itself. Cultural morality and social ethics. Evolutionary and Biological Psychology
Consciousness, thought, action and reaction.
How every individual perceives their world in relation to their wider communities (family, peers, local community, country, culture continent, global communitity, collective conciousness, morals, eithics, empathy, metaphors, limitations.
Conflict and struggle
The second section of the exhibition delves into the complexities of human experience, including themes of conflict, struggle, and adversity.
Love and connection
The third section of the exhibition explores the connections that bind us together, including themes of love, family, and community.
Mortality and Transcendence
The exhibition’s final section focuses on the ultimate human experience – death – and the possibility of transcendence beyond it.
Throughout the presentations and events, visitors are invited to contemplate the different facets of the human condition and to reflect on their own experiences of being human. The traveling exhibition aims to create a space for contemplation, empathy, connection, and appreciation for the beauty and idiosyncrasies of the human being in modern times.
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