May we be well

When the going gets tough…

Being is here to help, with wellbeing articles, mindfulness, and meditation, as ways and means to achieve balance and good health. This is an open forum that will offer guidance, open conversation, and sharing of personal experience through chat and/or video meet-ups as a more natural form of group therapy or more personal one-to-one support.

Selected content across the internet offers relevant guidance and helpful links to mindfulness tools.

When we are overcome by anxious thoughts that affect our quality of life –  we can mindfully train our body’s physiological response to anxiety and stress.

We all have the ability to soften, manage and ‘flip’ the effects of negative stress, and use that attentive energy to promote feelings of self-confidence, self-esteem, and mental wellbeing. We can usually relieve bad feelings and stress-related discomfort by engaging in simple, guided, knowledgeable, and open conversation.

Add balanced and mindful nutrition with some outdoor physical exercise, and just a little time each day to sit still, and practice appropriate meditation and awareness to keep the mind and body healthy.


Visit G* Arts Club to view mindful and meaningful imagery. And MakeGood to find, share, order or acquire, art, craft, design, photography, and imagery available directly from artists, makers, and creators, produced ethically using many different mediums, creative skills, and craftwork.


Watch neuroscientist and author, David Eagleman, in conversation with Sadhguru as they discuss a variety of subjects, ranging from different parts of the mind, the concept of time, quantum mechanics, religion, and meditation. The conversation is laced with humor and incisive logic, and moves towards an interesting climax where David Eagleman acknowledges that science and mysticism meet at a certain point.

Welcome, come on board …

Online conversations via Zoom or Skype are private and emotionally safe. Sharing and accepting difficult experiences and traumas can really help re-balance the inner and outer consciousness. A suitably arranged open session (up to 90 minutes) can certainly help balance overall emotional wellbeing and awareness of sensitivities that can arise or exist as previous experience. In adopting better living practises and a more satisfying and healthier experience through awareness, mindfulness and by simply being a good human.

Through observation and query, a participant’s daily activities, perceptions, and relationships are considered and discussed without judgment. By using self-awareness and self-care tools and practices participants experience and develop a ‘knowledge’ of themselves, and discover how to nurture positive change within, while negotiating a constantly changing and overwhelming world without. 


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