Category: Materials

  • The Beauty

    The Beauty

    What if plastic could be integrated into sea life? The Beauty directed by Pascal Schelbli is a poetic journey through the oceans, which are simultaneously stunning and filthy. Discover a world where concerns and fears dissolve into the mysterious depth of the polluted blue sea.CrewDirector: Pascal SchelbliVFX Supervisor: Marc AngeleProducers: Aleksandra Todorovic, Tina VestUnderwater Cinematography:…

  • Sanctuary of Simplicity

    Sanctuary of Simplicity

    Architect George Suyama wonders if his early years in a Japanese American internment camp led to his love for simplicity. “My theory is that we had nothing there so I became obsessed with little things. I was at a camp in Idaho called Minidoka and it was a tarpaper barracks. They were long shed buildings,…

  • Cold Comfort

    Cold Comfort

    How An Igloo Keeps You Warm Published on Jan 9, 2017 Building a perfect igloo takes cool science! And more Info below… If you ever find yourself stranded in the snowy Arctic (or bored in Minecraft), you’re gonna need to know how to build an igloo. But how can building a house made of ice…

  • Future of Fashion

    Future of Fashion

     • i-D journeyed back to 2013 to look at conversations then, about changes in technology, and the effects these will have on the future of fashion. Director Ben Fries Producer Garen Barsegian Production Company GAREN. Cinematographer Jesse Cain Editor Ben Fries, Will Znidaric & Michael Bell Production Sound Harris Karlin Assitant Editor Michael Bell Camera Assistant…