Humanity may have reached a point of potential equilibrium, even as our world is falling apart, humanity, climate, resource depletion, capacity, population explosion, etc, etc – everything has either reached saturation point or has surpassed all limits of sustainability. on the two sides of the scales are opposing states of being, with one half of humans becoming more conscious, aware, alive, healthy, and actively making the best of things – and the other half of the world’s population experiencing disillusionment, misinformation, being disadvantaged, being depressed, hopelessness, dehumanisation, deception, imprisonment, drug addiction, psychosis, disturbance, displacement, etc.
There are examples of this human balancing act everywhere, but especially in the fastest and most developed society in the world, the all Americans …. The current situation of a polarised population and disrupted political leanings and influence between two competing ideological positions of positive and negative.